WAH!! aku dah siap bg buletin kat sume kwn2 dlm fs. skrg aku nk bgtau plak ke kwn2 yg rajin singgah atau tersinggah ke kat blog aku ni. fyi, nilah citer yg aku tunggu sgt2!! sejak tgk iklan dia thn 2006 kot...kat star world, aku curious nak tau hero apa nya. tp bila dh skali tgk...ADDICTED la plak kan...last2 aku heret skali hubby & adik badik aku tgk citer nih! siap pastu aku tjumpa plak DVD nya! apa lg beli la sementara stok masih ada kan.. yelah, kalu DVD kan takder CUT2 pastu takder iklan, so bila tgk tu mmg la..sonoks!!
tp season 2 dia pendek sgt..dlm belas2 je episod dia. tp season 3 ni mmg besh! smlm star world siap buat 2 jam lg tu! back 2 back episodes!!!! ha! amik ko! puas hati tgk citer kat tv ala2 back 2 back ni! ha!!! dah tak sabar nak tgk episod 3 nya plak.... dah cr dlm utube/ heroestv/ bla..bla.. tp takder 1 pun yg tyg full version. yelah kat US kan dah awal2 aritu tyg...derang lg la dpt cepat kan..bbanding kita kat asia ni. ee...tp dpt tgk recap pun jd la...dpt la hilang skit tekanan... (tekanan kerrr...)
so kengkawan, jgn la lupa tgk skali 1 famili citer nih...(tp tak tau la budak2 bole tgk ke tak...bole kot..hihi)

Ukiesss..kat bwh ni adalah lagu yg jd soundtrack heroes season 3 : villains ni. Asia Ok!! band dr negara seberang Indonesia..
You got to be the only one
You got to be the one
Hey you got to stay awake
You got to start to save the world
You got to be alert
*) Shadows.. shadows..
In the world we living on
Shadows.. shadows..
In the world we living on
Shadows .. shadows..
We're alone in the world we own
Shadows .. shadows..
We're alone in the world we own
Hey the killer of the world
The money blinded junky man
The loveless son of man
Hey nothing isn't right
The future is in so much pain
The lovers are in veinback to
*)Is this place where we fly in
Is this place where we don't win
Is this the shadows that lived in our profit
Is this the shadows that we all wanted
And our life are burned by the fire
Of our sins and tonight
I believe that we won't win
Here in the cities
Shadows on the run
Nothing is real
Nothing can't be done
I am the shadows
I’m the only one
Make me believe
That nothing can be done
nak tau cmner lagu ni?? ha..pandai2 la cr eh...huhu...
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