TQ 4 all birthday prayers, wishes & messages thru fb, phone, mms, e-cards...n so on.. from all my frens n relatives..
also thanks 4 those yg dtg kat umah mak @ OL siap bwk all the delicious food eva!
to all octoberians... HAPPY BIRTHDAY..
to all Gaminians.. tQ..tQ..tQ sgt2..ok!
to cik..tQ 4 ur present! soooooo cute! suka sgt! pasni baru ada sorg 1..xder dh berebut2 botol air dgn my MUSY!
to cik Arina & mak teh... tQ terlalu sgt2 4 the cute cakes & cupcakes! the pelangi cake tu mmg ter best among all cakes lah! priceless! buat sendiri tu (mom & daughter).. n the cupcakes..so comel..xsempat nk rs coz ingt nk bg peluang ke budak2 mkn dulu..tp akhirnya xdpt nk mkn.. ABIS..ok!
to my beloved family.. thanks coz sooooo co-op sgt bg mjayakn bday bash ni! wlpon, bersekali dgn house warming & raya eve open house... tp best, ok!
abang, tQ 4 the cakes yah! balloons tu..thn dpn ada lg ke? haha..sabar je la.. dan..hadiah lain xder ke??? huuukaka

tu lah diantara detik2 pd tarikh 18/10/09...
TQ for the makan-makan jgk.. Mcm2 ade... bedday gal msk jgn main2..
Thnk's sis gg jmput win gi umah sis gg....sory lar win ntar msj lmbt...pe2 pn win ske spaggeti tu xthu lar spe yg wt but mmang sedp...hppy birtday sis gg....
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