then, the answer was yesterday... it's a car motto... PERSONA.. ~our pride and joy~.
where did i know this? whereby my hubby read a manual catching my eyes! and i said... "oh! now i know! its a CAR!!!!!"
for sure im right...without asking him about that bcoz he own persona...and r u wondering smthing? Y did i chose to write bout all this things???? PERSONA things??? and it bcoz.. im now PERSONA's.....
i do give some clue to all my YM's fren with my status... " TERPESONA AKU MELIHATNYA..."
and i've got response from them.. they ask me.. what about it? i juz said... "tungguuuu"
n after almost a month waiting for my new brand PERSONA...last stuff from oven! with a new color... BLUE HAZE..
today..i driv it to my workplace 4 the 1st time...(sekolah la... apa lg..) i didnt do smthing show off or get any attention. juz park, lock it n walk to my station. do my routine...checking all the labs... then at 11++ my stomach said " im starving..need feeding" ... so i guess i need smthing even its not lunch time yet.'s the real story begin... (sori took u so long to wait for it)kihkihkih..
outer my door..i saw some teachers crowding my 1st i tot mayb it was a brand new..they get excited or else...but suddenly 1 of them touching my car n im feel somthing is not rite. then from that distance i saw a lorry...i said " OH! NO! NO! NOT MY CAR!!!" i catch's my car he hitting on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hv nothing to say. it juz a day...not even 24 hours yet lah!!!!!!! juz bought it n u bump it!!!!
!@#$@#!$%T$&*%&^&*&* WTH...WTF... WTE...(juz in my mind...cursing the lorry driver)
n i think all of u know lah what's next... arguing..lah...
it's not too bad..juz a few scretch but it's new lah...thats what i really RALATTTTTTT sgt2..

(* sori people..if my english is soooo bad)
owhhhh itulah die rupenye ... 'terpesona aku melihatnya"!! So obvious the clue. time u nk beli kete baru or smthing yg new la then..shoutout kat YM, giv some clue k!
let me puzzled..kan! nmpk mcm exciting je bila dok tik tok nk cr jwpn..
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